Paris Periphery North-East I

The North-Eastern territory of Greater Paris concentrated practically and symbolically the key problems of the French suburbs. This study shows firstly the territory as a patchwork of different urban fragments, which have their own qualities but who are unaware: juxtaposed tissues, from a monofunctional obsolete development. They characterize a particular condition of urban suburbs, more or less sustained. How can we imagine from the existing framework another life, make the experience of a desirable territory? Uberbau was charged with the steering of the project and its strategic conception in close collaboration with LIN. Defined as the strategic development project of Greater Paris carried out by the state, the transformation of the Seine-East Territory is a social issue which the symbolic dimension beyond the scope of the five municipalities. Urban transformation is based here on the simultaneous action on the area’s image and physical reality. Their influence and their mutual interaction may become the engine for the transformation of the territory. 

LIN Finn Geipel + Giulia Andi (Lead Architect) in collaboration with Uberbau
Ali Saad (partner-in-charge), Thomas Stellmach.
Transsolar (energy), Initial Design (logistics), Joseph Hanimann (philosophy), Kaye Geipel (theory), Systematica (mobility), University of Oldenburg (ecology), Tetra (economy), Mueller Illien (landscape)
French Government (Secrétariat d’Etat Mission Région Capitale)
4.028 ha
Aulnay-sous-Bois, Sevran, Livry-Gargan, Clichy-sous-Bois, Montfermeil, FR
Phase 1: Completed